Episode 17: 3 Strategies to Get Kids’ Help with Chores


Engaging, challenging, and empowering parents in raising well-rounded children through combining educational research to everyday life.




on today’s episode…

Not only are chores important because they help mom and dad, but they also teach our kids valuable lessons, like responsibility, team work, independence, hygiene, and the importance of serving others. Today’s episode includes three strategies to try in your home with chore assignments.



Please tell me I’m not alone with the struggle of getting my kids to help with house chores. Today, I want to teach on 3 strategies for you to try in your own home:

3 Strategies:

  1. Chore Chart

    1. Daily or weekly chores

      1. Decorate with lists

      2. Get creative with “reminders”

    2. Rewards

      1. Earning screen time

      2. Coins

      3. Stickers

  2. Bite Size

    1. Takes longer because your supervision is needed 

    2. Turn a large task into bite sizes

    3. This works really well for the younger kiddos learning vocabulary or the older ones that get easily overwhelmed and/or off-task 

    4. Praise them as they complete each bite

  3. On-Demand

    1. Obedience is expected every time

      1. “No” is unacceptable

    2. Kids respond the first time you ask

      1. There’s no “hold on, mom”

    3. Because of all this, choose the time of your request

There’s no “best way” of getting your kids to help, per se. Why? Because your parenting style is unique and so are your kids’ personalities. So the way you pose your requests are special to the walls of your home!

Warnings: don’t NOT expect your kids to help. Don’t NOT ask them because they always complain. Don’t NOT ask because you get tired of repeating yourself. Don’t NOT ask because you’re exhausted from begging them to help. 

 I say this all the time, but it’s really important: truly mean what you say (follow through).  

Whether it’s creating a chore chart or asking chores on-demand, have a plan before you assign a chore (aka, open your mouth).


Episode 18: Living Cleanly


Episode 16: Young Love with Josh & Kelly Cagle