Tired of kids acting out?
If your kids are acting out at home, misbehaving in school, or throwing tantrums at Target, and you’re tired of being embarrassed or frustrated by their behaviors, then this 9-step framework is for you!
When kids are acting out, there’s one important area to address: the undesired behavior.
Here are common examples of “undesired behaviors” in kids:
Asking for things in a whiny voice
Sneaking out of their bed and into yours throughout the night
Hitting friends
Siblings arguing all the time
You have a choice when parenting in these moments– you can explode, yell, and maybe even spank your kids. Or you can give them one command, “Go to time out.”
Doesn’t that second option sound much better? For it to work, however, you have to know what that statement means (learn the Time-Out Strategy) and be ready to use it fully.
Enter your email in the link below, watch the 25 minute video you receive, and start practicing the strategy.
I guarantee you’ll learn to correct the undesired behaviors to stop the tantrums once and for all!