
Here are our resourceful blog posts to help you be the parent your child deserves:


These cards will help take the thinking out of asking great questions and create fantastic discussions with those you love.


Short and sweet— gain tools and tips to be the parent your child deserves.


mom IQ is a community of lifelong learners devoted to raising healthy kids academically, emotionally, and spiritually.


Give your child a Bible study that helps them grow in self-awareness as well as personalize Scripture in their life.


Research-based info to enhance the
love of learning in your home and support your kids in their school journey.


A safe alternative to smartphones.

Why Gabb Wireless? Because of what it doesn’t offer:

  • Social media apps

  • Addictive games

  • Internet access

Stay in touch with your kids, while protecting their innocence!

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Coaching & Workshops

Coaching & Workshops

Parenting is hard work. It requires tons of boundaries, daily consistency, so much awareness, as well as lots of patience, grace, wisdom, and filters. Combine that hefty list with all of life’s demands and others’ voice may become louder than yours in your child’s life, increasing their anxiety, fears, and doubts.

Healthy parenting is about seeing yourself as your child’s #1 teacher, saying the right words (or nothing at all) at the right time, and having the right tools to be intentional and impactful. Guessing your way through life, which is what most parents do, is a recipe for failure, but following the lead of someone who has two decades of research-based information and fully understands the demands of parenthood is a recipe for a full life— for you and your child.

With a PhD in education, I’m here to teach you how to use daily moments are learning opportunities so you raise confident and competent lifelong learners that thrive in an ever-changing world.

Additionally, I offer workshops and keynotes on various topics to parents, educators, students, and business leaders— because the need to understand, support, and empower learners is everywhere.