Episode 1: Helping your Kids Start a New Year
welcome to Season 2!
Engaging, challenging, and empowering parents in raising well-rounded children through combining educational research to everyday life.
on today’s episode…
Is your kid motivated at the possibilities of a new year?! In today’s episode of Conversation Starters, Dr. Cagle equips you to talk to your kids about exploring their interests, strengths, and areas that could improve to get them excited about a brand new year!
Every new year, you hear lots of variations of “how to start the year.”
There are the one word folks.
Then there are those who write achievable goals.
Some individuals like having a verse of the year that keeps them grounded.
There are others who do nothing about a new year because they believe they are the same person on Jan 1 as they were on Dec 31; which there’s truth to that!
Regardless of which one you are, talk to your kids about it.
Motivation + Increasing potential + Creating new habits
Which leads them to living BIG. Living out their purpose.
3 QUESTIONS: Modify as needed for the age groups in your household
If you could do or be anything, what would you do or be?
Of course this will strongly depend on your kids’ ages to the importance of the answer; however, focus on learning about their interests nonetheless.What’s one thing you did really well last year?
Help them with an answer, if they start with, “I don’t know.”What is one change you could make that would make you even better this year?
Word alternatives: better, stronger, faster, more intentional, more relational, more organized, more patient.
The purpose of this season is to enhance your conversations with your kids. These discussions can take place anytime, anywhere– on the way to/from school, at the dinner table, on a walk, or as you sit on the couch.
My main encouragement is that screens are off– no phones, no TVs. Make eye contact with one another and prioritize this time of togetherness, where you get to know them a little better as well as disciple them.
Don’t let this be just another episode you listened to. Practice the conversation you just learned about! 2 things will happen when you do that:
Your kids will witness you practice a new skill and most importantly,
When kids are given the opportunity to digest new information with you, their #1 teacher, in their safe space, they begin welcoming new challenges, as their curiosity, competence, and confidence flourishes… making them lifelong learners.