Episode 24: Receiving Life-Changing News with Lindsey Brister


Engaging, challenging, and empowering parents in raising well-rounded children through combining educational research to everyday life.



on today’s episode…

A 2-time breast cancer survivor and walking through a divorce, Lindsey Brister knows a thing or two about receiving life-changing news. Grab a tissue and come learn from one of the bravest, toughest people.


About Lindsey Brister

Here are some facts about Lindsey: 

  • She grew up in Washington state and made Texas her home in 2006 when she came down to attend college

  • In 2011, she became a mom—which, in her words, “is the best role I’ve ever played so far”

She’ll be starting her 6th year teaching this fall

And she’s a 2-time breast cancer survivor

o   The first diagnosis was in 2012 (remember she had a baby in 2011…)

o   The second diagnosis was in 2018—her first year teaching and the first year of becoming a single mom.

  • She was married for 10 years and has now been divorced for 5 years next month


So, everyone just heard a brief overview about your story… but now from your perspective. What would you add about your experiences since becoming a mom?

  1. You were really young when you first received the cancer diagnosis. Not only were you young, but so was Olivia. Can you recall your initial reaction after receiving the news?

  2. What was it like having to tell Olivia? Or was she too young to fully grasp?

    • Talk a little bit about what those treatment months were like.

  3. I’m sure there are several individuals listening who have received hard news similar to yours—whether cancer or divorce. Can you talk a bit about what the process/digestion/continuation of living life has been like?

  4. What’s one piece of advice that has really helped you continue moving forward?


Episode 25: A Different Way of Schooling: University-Model


Episode 23: A Personal Story