Episode 26: School Choice with Valerie Trentham
Engaging, challenging, and empowering parents in raising well-rounded children through combining educational research to everyday life.
on today’s episode…
School choice… a very popular discussion right now. Even if you’re not sitting at Valerie’s table with a plate of pancakes while you have this conversation with her, this episode covers lots of the similar advice I received from her 4 years ago as I walked through this myself.
About Valerie Trentham
Valerie is a 19-year veteran teacher—15 years spent at a traditional, 5-day private Christian school. She and her husband of 21 years, Jeff, decided to commit to a University-Model school with their boys, Levi and Luke, who, at the time, were in the 7th and 6th grades respectively. All three now—Valerie, Levi, and Luke—have been at the UM school going on 5 years and are all pleased with the decision they made.
If you’d like to contact Valerie to further discuss this topic, you can email her at goldiemom11@gmail.com
Without us having to do the math, tell us what grades Levi and Luke are going into and some of the things each of them is into.
If you still recall, I’d love to hear some of the early conversations you and Jeff had when the boys were getting ready to start school. As in, what were some of the things you were looking for in a school experience for them?
A few years ago, you guys made the switch from a traditional school to a UM school. Can you share what you were after with that switch?
What have been some major differences you have seen in Levi and Luke after switching to a different school type than what they had always been used to?
What tips can you provide to families searching for the best school option for their kids? Whether it’s about writing an educational philosophy, transitioning schools, or breaking the news to the kids, etc.