Episode 13: How to Stay Motivated


welcome to Season 2!

Engaging, challenging, and empowering parents in raising well-rounded children through combining educational research to everyday life.




on today’s episode…

Got a kid that’s lacking motivation?? Listen to episode 13 to learn 3 ways to help them!




In a school setting:

We are now into April, and these next few weeks are the looooongest weeks of the year for kids and school. All the “breaks” they look forward to are now over, most content for the school year has been taught, and now everyone (teachers and students) have tests to prepare for. 

The students have really gotten to know one another, and your child is very aware of who to cling to and who they’ve had enough of. 

I’ve said this before, and I’ll repeat it– school is like your child’s job. You know when you’re ready for a vacation??! Just like you have to keep showing up to work to draw a paycheck, kids have to keep showing up to school to learn!

Isn’t it much more enjoyable when you gladly show up to work?? Likewise, your child has to find the pleasure and joy in showing up to school. BUT HOW CAN YOU TEACH THEM TO STAY MOTIVATED TO WALK INTO SCHOOL READY TO LEARN WHEN THEY’RE OVER IT?!

3 WAYS TO TEACH THEM HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED (Modify as needed for the age groups)

  1. Watch your attitude.
    Ex: lead by example

  2. Speak to their strengths, strengthen their weaknesses
    Ex: Not in a manupulative way… but if you find that your child is gifted in memorizing facts and isn’t fased by blood, create opportunities for them to learn the human body to maybe become an amazing doctor someday! If you find that your child understands buildings and loves to draw, a career in architecture or engineering might by a great route for them! If you find that your child is terrified of public speaking, help them work through those fears and practice in front of the family or small groups. 

  3. Ask them about their end goal.
    Ex: Be realistic, but let them dream!!! 

When kids are given the opportunity to digest new information with you, their #1 teacher, in their safe space, they begin welcoming new challenges, as their curiosity, competence, and confidence flourishes… making them lifelong learners.

Back to School Workshop

Learning Experience live workshop with Dr. Kelly Cagle

*Live recording

*Research-based workbook included


Episode 14: How to Create a “Safe Haven”


Episode 12: Teach them to Fight